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3700 Nicollet Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55409


Monday – Friday | 7 am – 6 pm

Saturday | 8 am - 3 pm

closed Sundays

kitchen hours

Monday – Friday | 7 am – 1 pm

Saturdays | 8 am - 1 pm


Join The Curry Diva @ the cafe for

Saturday evening pop ups 5 to 9 pm

Back again in April - date to be announced


– Butter Bakery Cafe –

in the heart of Southwest Minneapolis



We are a locally owned, independent business rooted in Southwest Minneapolis since 2006 and deeply committed to producing not only good food, but also good community in the Lyndale and Kingfield neighborhoods. Since moving to Nicollet Avenue in 2012, we've partnered with Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative, a local non-profit working to end homelessness, in giving youth living at Nicollet Square supportive work experience. As a Social Benefit Corporation, we’re focused on being a business for good, modeling sustainable practices, advocating for improvements to worker rights, and bringing positive change to our food service industry.



3700 Nicollet Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55409

Find us... the corner of 37th and Nicollet in Southwest Minneapolis. We are current stewards on land that over the generations has been home for the Anishinaabe and Dakota people. We acknowledge the deep hurts of settler colonialism and intend to be active in making amends, offering reparations and building community with our indigenous neighbors and seeking balance with creation.

by bike

Use dedicated commuter bike routes on 1st Avenue South and Blaisdell Avenue. One mile south of Midtown Greenway's Nicollet exit, and three blocks north of RiverLake Greenway along 40th Street.

by bus

Nicollet Avenue is served by route 18, a high frequency route from downtown Minneapolis to Bloomington, with stops right outside our door. One block away, the 23 runs along 38th Street from Uptown to Highland Village, where you might meet Dan’s during his transit option from the Longfellow neighborhood.

by car

From Interstate 35W your exit is at 35th/36th St. Nicollet is two blocks west.

Off street parking spots behind the shop (off of 37th Street), includes a 5 minute spot for to go order pick ups. On street parking along Nicollet.

An Hour Car hub is a block away on the corner of 38th Street and Nicollet Ave

Get Directions


Stay Social

Follow us for up-to-date flavors in our pastry case, current events and activities being held at the cafe, as well as advocacy and issue oriented actions for our community.

Share your photos and stories with us - we love to connect!

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– 19 years of biscuits, service and love –

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