First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone (daytime)
Phone (evening)
Which position(s) are you interested in?
Select as many as you like.
Line Cook (previous kitchen experience required)
Prep Cook
Assistant Baker
Are you interested in full time or part time?
Check any that are applicable.
Full time
Part time
If part time, how many hours would you like?
When are you available to begin?
What days/hours are you available to work?
Are you currently employed?
May we contact your current or most recent employer?
Not applicable
Employer's phone number or email:
What is your past bakery/kitchen/coffee shop experience?
What is your past educational experience?
Please include any training you feel is beneficial to this position. Include place, focus of study, graduation date or years enrolled, and note GPA or honors if applicable. If you are emailing us a resume with this information, you may simply enter "see resume."
Have you taken a food safety course?
Please list any volunteer work you are involved with.
Include the organization or place, responsibilities, and time involved. If you are emailing us a resume with this information, you may simply enter "see resume."
List at least two places of recent employment.
Include the place, employer's or manager's name, and dates worked. If you are emailing us a resume with this information, you may simply enter "see resume."
List at least two references.
References should not be related to you. Please include at least one previous employer. Include a name, relationship to you, and phone number. If you are emailing us a resume with this information, you may simply enter "see resume."
Why do you want to work at Butter Bakery Cafe? What skills and values would you bring to our business, community, and team?
Please share any other information about yourself that we should know.
Are you proficient in any other languages? Please list:
We welcome the submission of a resume and/or cover letter via email to supplement your application. Please send all supplemental materials or notes about changes to your application to By typing your name below, you affirm that the information and statements made in this application form are to the best of your knowledge true and correct.
First Name
Last Name
Thank you for your application! Due to the volume of applications, we cannot reply to every applicant. If you did not send us a resume or cover letter today, we may request one before we take further steps. If you seem like a good fit and meet our required qualifications, we will be in touch as soon as a position is available to set up an interview! Please feel free to be in touch with us if important details in your application change.