Nine is fine
So many of our days here feel routine. There are rhythms and patterns that we grow accustomed to and recognize those, as well, just another Thursday. Customers who come in on their way to work at a certain time, order their drink, and are gone for the day. Groups that meet once a week who remind of us of what day of the week it actually is. A few whose once a month event is on our calendar as "repeat" so that we get surprised when there is a small change to any of this.
The construction has thrown some things off, but the routines are still there, creating the base that marks the days, marks the weeks, marks the months. It will still be there when the road is smooth and the cars and buses return.
While we are feeling the changes, we continue to be brought back into that comforting reassurance, that yes, if it is Thursday, the ladies who lunch will drop in. Nelson will be by for a chocolate chip cookie after school, our fine-bonnet-wearing quiche lady may make an appearance, we will see Dan from Hidden Stream Farm, Ansi will haul in more sugar and flour, and our stock of produce will arrive so that we can prepare for our weekend brunch.
The sidewalk and curb got pulled out, the surface of the road is now sand, and while it looks somewhat smooth and level out there, we know the holes for the sewer and water work will show up, as the first of the work tubes were dropped off. Seems sort of routine in a way already to see the dump trucks line up for collections and the vested workers moving along the street. But unlike our other routines, this one does have an end date.
How's it going? Oh, it's a challenge, sure...but you know, it is fine.