A One Ukulele Celebration of Building the Pink Tower!
Wednesday, December 18 6:30pm at Butter Bakery
Join One Ukulele and Lake Country School past and present parents Jan Selby and Vina Kay as they celebrate what is sure to be a successful Indiegogo fundraising campaign. They will begin filming the documentary Building the Pink Tower in 2014 thanks to the support of the Montessori community. This film will change the conversation about education reform by opening up understanding of Montessori education and how it is working in all kinds of communities across the country. Come hear some great music, enjoy delicious treats, and learn more about the film. Read about the project at www.DonatePinkTower.org <http://www.DonatePinkTower.org> and www.buildingthepinktower.org <http://www.buildingthepinktower.org>