Kamp Welch offers a Christian rock-blues style to his storytelling and witness. Kamp also offers to be available to just talk with folks about their experiences and is willing to share his story of life's ups and downs including time on the street without a home.
Kamp has a double cd called LET THERE BE LIGHT that contains his KFAI broadcasts and can be purchased at his performances for $20
Kamp seeks to raise awareness for Hepatitis C (HCV) testing. Tawn Mastrey (Cara's sister) was a famous heavy metal radio disc jockey who died in 2007. She wrote a cookbook called "Eat This." The Tawn Mastrey Foundation Hepatitis C (HCV) Awareness was created to make a lasting mark and a positive difference in helping eradicate the Hepatitus C Virus and to stamp out the ignorance about this disease while raising critical awareness worldwide.