June 2023 - nearing 11 years at Nicollet Square…

During the fall of 2012 we held a fundraiser to assist with this major move and construction project.  While our Kickstarter Project helped us complete a large number of projects, it didn’t go the whole way.  There were a few pieces of the design that needed to be put on hold…and are beyond what can be considered my normal operating funds. And like any construction project - the costs went over budget and those costs became another loan for me to pay off.

With the Support of Sunrise Bank, I was able to secure an SBA loan in 2016 to begin to complete our final projects.  This was a big investment and committed me to this space for the next 10 years.  During the Covid19 Pandemic I was able to get a refinanced loan through SBA which really helped out! But, helping me pay down this loan will make the next years even more stable and allow Butter to continue to grow. Can you give a donation to help reduce our debt load?

In January of 2019 we held a BIG BUTTER NIGHT - with a lively silent auction that helped us raise over $5000 to get us through a tough winter. We are so incredibly grateful for the showing of support that this event brought.

Here’s what’s left on our list.  Can you help out? PRINT OUT A GIFT FORM here.

If you missed a chance to be a community supporter earlier here's your chance.  Stop by the shop and talk with Dan about a way to share your gifts of time, talent, or financial support! Every little bit helps (and will be acknowledged / rewarded)!

1.  Edible landscaping – we would like to add berries and other fruits to our outdoor space (to harvest for use in the shop!)  (even a donation to MN GREEN $55 could help us with resources).  Help us put in more native grasses and flowers along our front boulevard...

2. A BEE HOTEL for our pollinator garden worker bees...would you like to build us one?  We do have a design in mind.

3. An overhaul of our natural-gas cooking equipment. We would like to make the climate-action move to replace our fossil fuel equipment with electric ones that we can power from our wind and solar sources. Estimated cost - $150,000 - which could be defrayed by some grant possibilities.

PERHAPS being a shop VOLUNTEER would fit you better? We’d love to share our list of volunteer activities with you and put your skills and talents to use. Contact Dan for more information about these opportunities!