Finding Beauty in the Chaos
Choosing to live in a world-view of abundance and love has its pitfalls.
Every now and then bad things happen that stop me in my tracks and make me ask, what? why?
Growing up in the 1960's, the Dr Suess children's book, Horton Hears A Who, was quite formative for me. I resonated deeply with the call of "a person's a person no matter how small" and with parents that supported and participated in civil rights activities, I was tuned into injustice and found myself advocating for others in ways that often mystified the kids around me. Someone once called it an "over-active empathy gland" which I'm not sure is actually a thing.
But, still. When someone vandalizes my business, as happened in the evening/early morning hours of May31/June 1, I have to really pause and not go into a what? why? mode that leans into downright anger.
Hurt. Disappointment. Yes. Because I do believe in a world where love is the guiding force. Where creation is made in divine goodness. Where all of us have within us that same divine goodness. And when acts of senseless violence and destruction arise, that goodness seems to have disappeared. But, I try to remember, not completely and certainly not forever.
That morning, I was faced with three over-turned planters, with soil and vegetables tumbled into the street. Our Little Free Library was torn from its post and thrown to the ground, spilling books across our north-side patio area. A mess.
I wondered what might lead to those actions? What had happened that drew a need to lash out at community resources? Afterall, we have used that Little Free Library to provide free unsold day-old bakery items. It was filled with food and supplies during the civil unrest. It has been a transfer spot for well-loved books, seed packets, and much more. And our boulevard garden is a community garden - no fences. It's always been a free-harvest kind of space and has benefited neighbors and the staff of our neighboring businesses, and well as residents of Nicollet Square.
Yes, I could be chastised for trusting, for being vulnerable, for opening our business up to being vandalized by placing these items out in the open, unguarded, available to all. And yes, although I have over this past decade asked for a security camera from our landlord for that particular area, I haven't taken it upon myself to just install one myself. I could have created a much more secure area, couldn't I?
I choose instead to love. To try to understand. To forgive. To know that the hurt I feel is directly related to the hurt felt deep within the person (or persons) who were involved in the damage. I choose instead to work for more support and resources to help those who hurt deep inside.
This has been a guiding principle for me that makes working with my staff somewhat challenging as well - since wouldn't it be easier to just fire staff who are struggling? Then I would not have to deal with the hurts that cause them to be late, or miss shifts, or to struggle while they are working. At the beginning of each new hire's start with me at the cafe, I read a set of agreements that includes my agreement to advocate for them, support them and celebrate them. I choose to make that commitment knowing it will be difficult. I choose to make that commitment knowing that it will display the worldview I carry - I choose to love.
The planters have been reset. We lost a couple pepper plants, a tomato plant, some kale and spring greens. The other plants have been looking a little frazzled but are indeed going to be ok with some extra love. The Little Free Library has some restoration needed but does look repairable. I already have a volunteer who has asked to help. While we're at it, I'll probably also try to fix up our community bike repair station which (not part of last week's damage) has had a couple tools cut off their cables. what? why?
This past month, as I listened to "nearly" endless commentary from the opposition to the Paid Family and Medical Leave Bill (WHICH PASSED!), I wondered what? why? throughout. If we choose love, if we choose caring, if we choose goodness - then supporting new families and those with critical illnesses and injuries is the only path in front of us. And with that kind of support, how much goodness and love might indeed grow? I'm excited to watch and see.
Walk with me along this good green path and let's live into love.